Friday, February 25, 2011

Film Photography Today

So what’s up with film photography lately?
Here’s a quick update:

1) After Kodak announced they are discontinuing their infrared film (HIE-135) back in November due to a decline in demand, this month they issued yet another list of discontinued film such as the EKTACHROME 400X Professional Film.
2) According to recent articles in papers, such as the NY Times, film processing locations are declining.
3) My favorite film Kodak T400cn has been discontinued! (in fact a few years ago). However, its not all bad news as this film did not just vanish but it was replaced with another similar film: Kodak Professional BW400CN.

Last week, while picking up my film, I was approached by a woman in the camera store (which is now selling mostly digital cameras, printing from digital and even recently displaying inkjet printers at the front of the store. And as if this was not enough insult, lately the film department was reduced in size and moved to the back of the store) anyway, the woman looked at my film and said it was very interesting to see someone who’s still using this dying breed.
And I thought; Give me a break! It was only a few years ago, that people saw a digital camera and had no idea what it was.
And now, how quickly it happened, film is as extinct as a dinosaur?

Saying all this, however, I noticed the growing number of toy cameras offered not only in obvious places like camera stores but also in unexpected trendy fashion stores such as Urban Outfitters.
I’m sure it means toy cameras, while becoming popular, are also going to grow more expensive.
But than again, it also means that more people are going to use film!

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