Friday, February 25, 2011

Q Weddings still loves film!

“In September 2003 I excitedly bought my first digital camera.  Two months later I went back to shooting film.  There were so many reasons…terrible skin tones, blooming highlights, wonky exposures when using strobes, slow focusing, back focusing. Wrong focusing. And forget about making a great black and white image!  Everyone else seemed to be enamored with digital technology, but I happily went back to shooting film.   I even remember reading a prediction that film would no longer be available after 2008.  I’m proof that film is still around and beloved by myself and folks like Jose, Yvette, Bryan, Jonathan, Tanja and Leah.

I know that it’s possible to spend a fair amount of time in post, running actions or presets to get some pseudo-film results.  But film is gorgeous straight out the camera, no futzing needed.  One example is cross-processed film, like this image from Cat and Matt’s wedding in Uncertain, Texas. This almost kiss was captured at an old fishing camp on Caddo Lake.  Saturated color straight out of the camera and still the skin tones are perfect.  It also helps to have an experienced lab like Richard Photo Lab for something like this.  They spent time learning my preferences (strong blacks, dreamy color, and my penchant for shooting with vintage cameras).  I pinch myself sometimes when I think how lucky I am to have found a lab that loves film as much as I do.”

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